Mixed eggs
Our brown and white eggs in boxes are laid by both Rhode Island Red Cross and White Leghorns. Both breeds produce wonderful eggs with strong shells, rich yolk and superb flavour.
Brown eggs
Our Brown eggs are laid by Rhode Island Red Cross Hens. These hens roam freely and are fed a natural vegetarian diet which produces exceptional quality eggs with strong shells, rich yolk and superb flavour.
White eggs
Our White eggs are laid by White Leghorns. These are a flighty bird that originates from the Leghorn region of Italy. These hens roam freely and are fed a natural vegetarian diet for quality eggs with rich yolks and strong shells.
White eggs
White Leghorns lay an average 280 per year but can lay up to 300. They have access throughout the day to green pasture and produce wonderful eggs with unique flavour, strong shells and rich yolks.

White Leghorn
Eggs in trays

We supply both our white and brown eggs in sizes medium and large in trays of 30
Brown eggs
Rhode island Red Cross hens are considered one of the best egg-laying breeds. The free range conditions in which they are kept helps them to produce eggs with strong shells rich yolks and superb flavour. They can lay up to 300 eggs per year.

Rhode Island Red Cross